Saturday, 6 December 2014

Penganalisis: Kemelesetan paling lewat 2016

Ekonomi Malaysia bertambah teruk dan langkah kerajaan melalui Pelan Rasionalisasi Subsidi (SRP) serta cukai perkhidmatan dan barangan (GST) hanya membawa kepada kemelesetan ekonomi dalam tempoh tidak sampai tiga tahun akan datang.

Perkara itu diramalkan penganalisis ekonomi Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin yang percaya ia berkait rapat dengan fenomena pecahnya gelembung sektor harta tanah (property bubble burst).

Menurutnya, perkara itu akan berlaku kerana tidak ramai yang mampu lagi membeli harta tanah kerana beban hutang isi rumah yang makin tinggi.

NONE"Saya tak suka jadi penyampai berita buruk tetapi risiko akan ada risiko kemelesetan ekonomi paling lewat pada 2016 adalah sangat tinggi pada pendapat saya.

Dan antara faktor utamanya ialah pecahnya gelembung sektor hartanah. Dan kerana sebab itulah GST perlu ditangguhkan," kata beliau dalam forum "Apa yang salah dengan ekonomi kita" anjuran Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (TURUN) di ibu negara malam tadi.

Pada tahun 2008, krisis subprima lantaran ketidakmampuan pembeli harta tanah dan peminjam menguruskan pinjaman menyebabkan beberapa institusi kewangan melibatkan hartanah di Amerika Syarikat runtuh.

Malah tinjauan terhadap Indeks Harga Harta Tanah Malaysia menunjukkan persamaan yang membawa kepada gelembung harga harta tanah di negara-negara yang pernah mengalaminya.

Azrul yang juga Pengurus Tugas Khas, Analisa Ekonomi dan Kewangan Pejabat Menteri Besar Selangor menambah, pelaksanaan GST bakal memberikan kesan kepada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK).

Kesan teruk 4% inflasi 

Seterusnya, katanya, menyebabkan berlakunya kesan buruk berganda kepada isi rumah.

Beliau berkata, walaupun jangkaan inflasi hanya bertambah sebanyak 4 peratus di atas kertas, realiti hidup rakyat biasa bakal terjejas teruk.

Ini menurutnya akan menyebabkan orang ramai mengurangkan aktiviti pembelian dan menyebabkan transaksi ekonomi menjadi lembap dan seterusnya runtuh.

azlan"Pemotongan subsidi ini akan jadi alasan kepada pengusaha untuk naikkan harga barangan dan perkhidmatan mereka. Walaupun di Malaysia kita ada akta lindungi pengguna, tetapi tidak kuat, jadi pengguna tidak dapat perlindungan sewajarnya.

"Kita juga akan lihat fenomena di mana pengguna atau rakyat akan ambil sikap tidak mahu berbelanja kerana takut kenaikan harga barang lain pula, ini akan menyebabkan KDNK dan pertumbuhan akan merosot itu antara impaknya," kata beliau.

Azrul (atas) menambah faktor hutang isi rumah berbanding pendapatan boleh guna juga meningkat sehingga 140 peratus, lebih tinggi daripada Amerika Syarikat, pada 123 peratus.

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengumumkan pelaksanaan GST pada sesi pembentangan Bajet Oktober lalu dan akan memulakan pelaksanaannya dalam bulan April 2015.

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Idris Jala, berkata mekanisma pencukaian baru itu boleh menjamin pendapatan tambahan sebanyak RM20 bilion hingga RM27 bilion, apabila matang kelak.

Malaysia Dijangka BangkrapTahun 2017?

1. Kadar pendapatan rakyat Malaysia tidak selari dengan kos sara hidup. Contoh 60 peratus rakyat Malaysia bergaji bawah 3000 tapi kos sara hidup lebih tinggi daripada pendapatan majoriti Rakyat. 

2. Harga Hartanah melonjok 300 peratus kurang dari 10 tahun. Sebagai contoh rumah teres 20 x 70 pada 2003 sekitar RM150-250 k melonjak kepada 500-1000000k. Malangnya rumah yg mahal itu turut habis dijual. Siapa yang beli?

3. Kadar jenayah berat melambung dengan mendadak dikhabar secara rasmi terdapat 49 ribu penjenayah yang telah dikenalpasti.

4. Tanda yang paling jelas Malaysia akan muflis ialah penyertaan dalam TPPA. Ekonomi negara tidak berkembang pada kadar sepatutnya setiap tahun menyebabkan kerajaan terdesak untuk mencari pasaran baru. Dikhabarkan juga eksport Malaysia ke China semakin merosot disebaba kelemahan ekonomi China. Dijangka pada tahun 2016 China tidak mempunyai keupayaan untuk menjadi negara pengimport kerana pasaran dalam negara tepu.

5.Kerajaan tidak berani membuat anggaran dan unjuran bagi tahun 2009, 2010, 2012 dan 2015 kerana mereka tahu keadaankewangan negara akan menjadi bertambah dahsyat dan kemung-kinan besar kemasukan modal asing hampir tidak ada langsung.

6.Di bawah tajuk ‘Akaun Modal’ yang merangkumi modal tempatan dan juga modal asing dalam bentuk pelaburan dalam negara, Kementerian Kewangan hanya mencatatkan angka bagi tahun 2006 hingga 2009 sementara anggaran bagi 2009 dan unjuran sehingga 2015 dikosongkan.Kecuali pada 2008, kesemua statistik sejak 2006 menunjukkan pengaliran keluar modal dari Malaysia.Begitu juga di bawah ‘Akaun Kewangan’ catatan statistik menunjukkan aliran negatif sejak 2006.

7.Tindakan kerajaan mengosongkan data pada mukasurat 391 laporan RMK10 berkenaan Jadual 7 Imbangan Pembayaran, 2006-2015 juga menimbulkan syak bahawa keadaan kewangan negara semakin gawat dan tenat.
8.Kelemahan pengurusan kewangan negara memberi impak besar ke atas pihak  swasta dan mengecilkan lagi peranannya dalam ekonomi negara.
Ini akan menyebabkan tidak ada jalinan kerjasama kukuh antara sektor awam dan sektor swasta. Kalau ini berlaku dua tiang utama ekonomi negara akan melemah dan akhirnya sektor awam menjadi satu-satu sektor yang terpaksa menanggung segala akibat.

9.Sesebuah negara tidak perlu diisytihar sebagai bankrap bukan seperti organisasi swasta tetapi memadai apabila negara itu merekodkan tiga tahun berturut-turut defisit melampau lalu tidak berdaya membayar hutang negara.

10.Lembaga Riset Ekonomi Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Economic Research/MIER))  menyedari  perkiraan untuk pertumbuhan 2011 menjadi 4.6 %. Angka ini turun dari  5,2 % sebelumnya.

11.Hutang negara akan mencecah RM900 bilion pada 2017.

12.GDP 55 % adalah berbahaya.

13.Pendapatan dan punca hasil kerajaan tidak bertambah.

Sekiranya 2017 negara kita terus maju dan tidak bangkrap,maka ulasan jangkaan pakar ekonomi ini adalah meleset.BN akan terus memerintah negara hingga kiamat.Malaysia maju pada 2020 akan tercapai.

Sekian harap maklum.

Krisis Ekonomi Pada Tahun 2016-2017 ? - Robert T Kiyosaki


Heboh diperkatakan ramalan Robert T Kiyosaki mengenai krisis/keruntuhan ekonomi pada tahun 2016-2017. Anda boleh dapatkan artikel mengenainya DISINI. Robert T Kiyosaki, pengarang buku terlaris Rich Dad Poor Dad, meramalkan bahawa ekonomi global akan runtuh pada 2016. "Saya fikir ia akan menjadi kejatuhan kewangan yang terbesar dalam sejarah dunia" kata Robert T Kiyosaki. "[Economist Richard] Duncan mengatakan ekonomi dunia akan runtuh dalam tempoh lima tahun, saya katakan 2016, manakala beberapa yang lain mengatakan tahun 2025, tetapi ia tetap akan menyusul".Beliau percaya bahawa selepas sistem ekonomi Greece, Sepanyol dan negara-negara Eropah mengalami krisis, ia akan disusuli oleh ekonomi Amerika dan Britain. "Ia akan dimulai oleh salah satu bank di Amerika dengan laporan ia hilang satu trilion dolar. Kemudian wang itu akan berjalan, dan pasaran saham akan runtuh, walaupun ketika ituFederal Reserve(Bank Persekutuan Amerika Syarikat) mencetak lebih banyak wang. ".Alasan bahawa Robert T Kiyosaki mengatakan demikian adalah kerana hutang kerajaan diambil untuk mengepam pasaran utama dan menyokong belanjawan negara yang semakin meningkat di luar kawalan, terutama kerana wang tidak lagi disandarkan kepada emas."Pada tahun 1971, Presiden Nixon Amerika mengambil kira standard emas (Membatalkan Penukaran langsung dolar Amerika Syarikat pada kira-kira USD35 untuk setiap auns emas) dan kita boleh mencetak wang yang banyak seperti yang kita mahu," katanya lagi.Negara-negara yang telah melaksanakan latihan itu sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini termasuk Amerika Syarikat, Great Britain, China dan Jepun." Negara-negara pengeksport seperti Malaysia, akan terus terjejas oleh kelembapan ekonomi negara China. " China merupakan pemacu ekonomi dunia pada hari ini, tetapi eksport mereka hanya meningkat 5%, dan import mereka kini telah menurun kepada 0%. Jadi ini bermakna bahawa ekonomi China semakin perlahan begitu pantas dan atas sebab itu mereka berhenti pengimport. Pada masa yang sama, China kini mempunyai 60 juta kondominium diduduki kerana mereka membuat populasi penduduk yang terlalu banyak. "Pelaburan tersebut mendapat manfaat daripada peningkatan modal dan inflasi, aliran tunai serta positif selepas akses kepada kredit murah. Seperti yang dirujuk kepada Robert T Kiyosaki dalam senario di China, bagaimanapun formula ini tidak berkesan dalam menghadapi unit kosong.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Language & Communication Courses by Language Academy, UTM
UTM at a Glance
The four UTM core strategies towards innovation and value creation:

• To contribute to the development of human capital through quality education
• To lead research and innovation in science and technology
• To project branding that meets the needs of stakeholders
• To contribute to society towards sustainability, innovation and global aspiration.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Technological University of Malaysia)Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Technological University of Malaysia
81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia.For enquiries, please contact:
Head of Department
Phone : (+607) 5534008 Fax: (+607) 5566162 Email:

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is one of the TOP 30 universities in Asia. As a prestigious institution of higher learning, UTM strives for academic excellence through creative teaching and learning methods using the state-of-the-art technology.  UTM seeks to maintain its position as the main contributor in developing technical expertise for the country .Electrical Engineering Faculty is the most popular. Other focus groups of UTM :

1) Aerospace, Information Technology and Communications
2) Automotive, Marine and Aeronautics
3) Chemical and Biotechnology
4) Constructions, Materials and Advanced Materials
5) Electronics
6) Energy, Environmental Technology
7) Manufacturing and Machinery
8) Science and Mathematics
9) Social Sciences.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
1Bachelor of Architecture581 (Architecture and Town Planning)
2Bachelor Of Computer Science (Bioinformatics)481 (Computer Science)
3Bachelor Of Computer Science (Computer Networks & Security)481 (Computer Science)
4Bachelor Of Computer Science (Graphics And Multimedia Software)481 (Computer Science)
5Bachelor Of Computer Science (Industrial Computing)481 (Computer Science)
6Bachelor Of Computer Science (Software Engineering)481 (Computer Science)
7Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical -Gas)524 (Chemical and Process)
8Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical)524 (Chemical and Process)
9Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical-Bioprocess)524 (Chemical and Process)
10Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical-Polymer)524 (Chemical and Process)
11Bachelor of Engineering (Civil -Environmental)526 (Civil Engineering)
12Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)526 (Civil Engineering)
13Bachelor of Engineering (Civil-Construction Management)526 (Civil Engineering)
14Bachelor of Engineering (Computer)523 (Electronics and Automation)
15Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)522 (Electricity and Energy)
16Bachelor Of Engineering (Electrical-Control & Instrumentation)523 (Electronics and Automation)
17Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Electronics)523 (Electronics and Automation)
18Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Mechatronics)523 (Electronics and Automation)
19Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Medical Electronics)523 (Electronics and Automation)
20Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Microelectronic)523 (Electronics and Automation)
21Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Telecommunications)523 (Electronics and Automation)
22Bachelor of Engineering (Geometrics)581 (Architecture and Town Planning)
23Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical -Aeronautics)525 (Motor Vehicles, Ships and Aircraft)
24Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical -Industrial)521 (Mechanics and Metal Work)
25Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)521 (Mechanics and Metal Work)
26Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical-Automotive)525 (Motor Vehicles, Ships and Aircraft)
27Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical-Manufacturing)521 (Mechanics and Metal Work)
28Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical-Marine Technology)525 (Motor Vehicles, Ships and Aircraft)
29Bachelor Of Engineering (Mechanical-Materials)521 (Mechanics and Metal Work)
30Bachelor of Engineering (Petroleum)524 (Chemical and Process)
31Bachelor of Landscape Architecture581 (Architecture and Town Planning)
32Bachelor of Management (Marketing)342 (Marketing and Advertising)
33Bachelor of Management (Technology)345 (Management and Administration)
34Bachelor of Quantity Surveying526 (Civil Engineering)
35Bachelor Of Science (Biology)421 (Biology and Biochemistry)
36Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)442 (Chemistry)
37Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)481 (Computer Science)
38Bachelor of Science (Construction)526 (Civil Engineering)
39Bachelor of Science (Geoinformatic)581 (Architecture and Town Planning)
40Bachelor of Science (Health Physics)545 (Applied Science)
41Bachelor of Science (Human Resource Development)345 (Management and Administration)
42Bachelor of Science (Industrial Biology)545 (Applied Science)
43Bachelor of Science (Industrial Chemistry)545 (Applied Science)
44Bachelor of Science (Industrial Design)214 (Design)
45Bachelor of Science (Industrial Mathematics)461 (Mathematics)
46Bachelor of Science (Industrial Physics)545 (Applied Science)
47Bachelor of Science (Land Administration and Development)341 (Wholesale and Retail Sales)
48Bachelor of Science (Material Physics)545 (Applied Science)
49Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)461 (Mathematics)
50Bachelor of Science (Physics)441 (Physics)
51Bachelor of Science (Property Management)341 (Wholesale and Retail Sales)
52Bachelor of Science (Remote Sensing)581 (Architecture and Town Planning)
53Bachelor of Science and Computer with Education (Chemistry)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
54Bachelor of Science and Computer with Education (Mathematics)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
55Bachelor of Science and Computer with Education (Physics)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
56Bachelor of Science with Education (Biology)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
57Bachelor of Science with Education (Chemistry)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
58Bachelor of Science with Education (Counseling)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
59Bachelor of Science with Education (Islamic Studies)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
60Bachelor of Science with Education (Mathematics)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
61Bachelor of Science with Education (Physics)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
62Bachelor of Science with Education (Science)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
63Bachelor of Science with Education (Sports Science)146 (Training for Teachers of Vocational Subjects)
64Bachelor of Science with Education (Teaching English as a Second Language)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
65Bachelor of Technology with Education (Civil Engineering)146 (Training for Teachers of Vocational Subjects)
66Bachelor of Technology with Education (Electrical Engineering)146 (Training for Teachers of Vocational Subjects)
67Bachelor of Technology with Education (Living Skills)145 (Training for Teachers with Subject Specialization)
68Bachelor of Technology with Education (Mechanical Engineering)146 (Training for Teachers of Vocational Subjects)
69Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning581 (Architecture and Town Planning)
70Diploma in Architecture581 (Architecture and Town Planning)
71Diploma in Civil Engineering526 (Civil Engineering)
72Diploma in Computer Science (Information Technology)481 (Computer Science)
73Diploma in Computer Science (Multimedia)481 (Computer Science)
74Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Communication)523 (Electronics and Automation)
75Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Mechatronics)523 (Electronics and Automation)
76Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Power)522 (Electricity and Energy)
77Diploma in Electronic Engineering523 (Electronics and Automation)
78Diploma in Land Surveying581 (Architecture and Town Planning)
79Diploma in Management Technology345 (Management and Administration)
80Diploma in Management Technology (Accountancy)344 (Accounting and Taxation)
81Diploma in Mechanical Engineering521 (Mechanics and Metal Work)
82Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautic)525 (Motor Vehicles, Ships and Aircraft)
83Diploma in Property Management341 (Wholesale and Retail Sales)
84Diploma in Quantity Surveying526 (Civil Engineering)
85Diploma in Urban & Regional Planning581 (Architecture and Town Planning)

As in 2013, Malaysia has the following higher education opportunities for secondary students:1) 414 Private colleges
2) 37 Private universities
3) 20 Private University-colleges
4) 1 Public University-college
4) 7 Foreign branch campus
5) 20 Public universities
6) 24 Polytechnics
7) 37 Public Community Colleges

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (University of Technology, Malaysia, UTM) is the oldest public engineering and technological university in Malaysia.The university specializes in technical studies, with separate faculties for the various engineering divisions such as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Biomedical engineering.
It also has faculties for Education, Pure Sciences, Management, and Human Resources Development. It is Malaysia major source of graduate engineers and similar professionals.
Alumni of UTM have been instrumental in developing sectors related to engineering and technology in Malaysia.

With over 20,000 students on campus, more than 25% of them are postgraduates. Since the 1990s, the number of foreign students, particularly from neighboring Asian countries, the Middle East, and Africa, has been increasing, especially in postgraduate programs.

Malaysia offers excellent facilities for Middle Eastern students to further their education. The competitive rates of study fees in Malaysian public and private universities were a major plus.

Many foreign university administrators have set up their campuses in Malaysia, and Malaysia's higher education institutions offer better rates than other countries.

In 2014 there are now about 25,000 Middle Eastern students in Malaysia. Among them are 168 UAE students in Malaysian universities, mostly in engineering and science and technology.

UTM graduates have gone on to many academic and professional institutions across the world.

Oil Palm Plantation in Tawau, Malaysia
Executive Diploma In Plantation Operation Management 
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
School Of Professional And Continuing Education (SPACE)

Duration : 13 Months - 15 Months
UTM is conducting an Executive Diploma in Plantation Operation Management course at Kuching, Sibu, Bintulu, KK and Tawau at the GPD Learning center
Apply EPF (KWSP) for study. The course designed for working adults.
2 days class in a month (Block Study System - Intensive Class)
Saturday 2.00pm - 8.00 pm and Sunday 9.00am - 3.00 pm

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |UTM|
Pejobot Pendaftar
Bohogion Pengurusar Akademik
Unit Kemasukon Dan Rekod
81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Darul Takzim
Tel: 07-553 3333  Fax:07-558 1791

UTM offer Diploma level courses for SPM students as folllowings :

Programmes for SPM students
Faculty of Built Environment
1Diploma in Architecture6Arts & Sciences
2Diploma in Material Survey6Arts & Sciences
3Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning6Arts & Sciences

Faculty of Civil Engineering
Diploma in Civil Engineering6Sciences

Faculty of Computer Science & Information System
1Diploma in Computer Science - Information Technology6Sciences
2Diploma in Computer Science - Multimedia6Sciences

Faculty of Electrical Engineering
1Diploma in Electrical Engineering - Mechatronics6Sciences
2Diploma in Electrical Engineering - Power6Sciences
3Diploma in Electrical Engineering - Telecommunication6Sciences
4Diploma in Electronic Engineering6Sciences

Faculty of Geoinformation Science & Engineering
1Diploma in Land Surveying6Sciences
2Diploma in Property Management6Arts & Sciences

Faculty of Management & Human Resource Development
1Diploma in Technology Management6Arts
2Diploma in Technology Management (Accountancy)6Arts

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
1Diploma in Mechanical Engineering6Sciences
2Diploma in Mechanical Engineering - Aeronautical6Sciences

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is a government-funded public university in Malaysia with a two objective.
1) to become a world class research university by producing outstanding Science and Technology graduates and top-notch research.
2) to fulfil Malaysia's national aspiration as a public university by producing quality graduates for various needs and industries as well as performing various social obligations expected by its many stakeholders.
UTM also share an important objective with other Commonwealth universities, that is to promote and develop academic excellence at various levels.  
Since its establishment as a technical school in 1904 and subsequently a full fledge university on 1st April 1975, UTM has committed itself to developing and enhancing various academic and professional programmes in the area of science and technology. Having produced more than 200,000 technical graduates and qualified professionals over the years for local industries and government agencies as well as for multinational companies all over the world, UTM has been regarded as Malaysia's premier institution of higher learning in Engineering and technology and has at times been nicknamed the MIT of Malaysia.  
UTM has now two campuses. Its 1,222 hectare main campus is situated in the town of Skudai, Johor, located at the Southern tip of the Malaysian peninsular. Its older 18 hectare branch City Campus is situated at Jalan Semarak in the capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. With a strength of 1,731 academic staff and supported by 2444 management and administration staff, UTM strives to become a world-class institution of excellence through creativity.

Academic Strengths
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia is one of the leading universities in Malaysia that has created a respectable reputation in the development of science and technology. It is a prestigious institution that continuously makes on impact in the scientific and technological field through the unified and concerted efforts of its dynamic and proactive staff and students. Through its reputation for innovative education and cutting-edge research, UTM is proud to be at the forefront of the education of technologists and professionals.
UTM has more than 20,000 students on its main campus in Johor and more than 4,500 in its Kuala Lumpur City Campus. In order to provide greater access to academic excellence, UTM also has about 5,000 students registered in its distance learning and part-time programmes. The increasing number of research done and smart partnerships established with other leading research and academic institutions both local and abroad has assisted UTM in maintaining its competitiveness in providing relevant education and training for all its students. To date, UTM has won 148 research medals and awards which include the National Young Scientist Award, the National Inventor's Award, Expo Science and Technology From that, 55 international awards were received from Switzerland, South Korea, Germany and the United States of America.
UTM is proud to be a centre of excellence through its dedication to develop science and technology to compete in the global arena. Our dedicated professionals and technical staff provide support to the postgraduate programmes and continuing education, as a preparation to meet the challenges of the millennium, UTM has established many centers of excellence and world class laboratories such as the Institute of Environmental & Water Resource Management, Ibnu Sina Institute of Fundamental Science, Chemical Engineering Pilot Plant, Aeronautics Engineering Laboratory and Marine Technology Centre. Centre of Advanced Software Engineering, Advanced Information Technology Institute, Institute of High Voltage and High Current, Wireless Communication Centre and the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Programme Outline

Together with extensive international academic collaborations (more than 50 institutions throughout the world), UTM is capable of offering competitive and exciting bachelor is degrees and postgraduate programmes. Now, the University has a wide range of more than 160 programmes in Engineering and Technology served by committed faculty members with broad international exposure, Recognized internationally for its engineering, and science and technology programmes, UTM offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the following faculties:
• Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
• Faculty of Biosciences & Bioengineering
• Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering
• Faculty of Civil Engineering
• Faculty of Electrical Engineering
• Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
• Faculty of Built Environment
• Faculty of Computer Science & Information System
• Faculty of Education
• Faculty of Geoinformation Science Engineering
• Faculty of Management & Human Resource Development
• Faculty of Science

UTM also has a College of Science and Technology in its City Campus in Kuala Lumpur that trains diploma level students, mainly in engineering and technology. Other academic centers such as the International Business School and the Business and Advanced Technology Centre serve as the postgraduate and continuing education centers for executives and professionals. All programmes are recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and all professional programmes are fully accredited by the respective professional bodies such as the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (ISM) and Malaysian Institute of Architect.

Academic Facilities and Resources
The various facilities available in the university are as follows:
• An IS019002 Certified library which probably has the most comprehensive collection of science and technology resources which comprises books, journals, reports, directories, statistics, audio-visuals and the most up-to-date electronic databases on various topics in the country, The wealth of electronic resources in the collection includes e-journals, e-books, e-newspapers, e-thesis, e-references, e- examinations papers and others.
• The Centre for Information and Communication Technology (CICT) which has the largest computer hall in the country CICT also supports more than 2,000 internet-connected computers available to all students in open-access computer laboratories throughout UTM, in the library and in residential colleges.
• The Health Centre which offers a wide range of services, including outpatient, minor surgeries, examination and isolation ward for students who need special medical attention. Dialysis and dental services, with complete facilities are also available,
• Fully air-conditioned lecture halls and rooms.
• Well-equipped engineering and science laboratories and workshops as well as digital language laboratories

Sports facilities - UTM has a sports complex complete with squash courts, badminton courts and an indoor games hall. UTM also provides football fields and facilities for tennis, sepaktakraw, basketball, volleyball, rugby, football, hockey, equine, archery, wall climbing and water-sports. The majority of the courts are located in the vicinity of the residential colleges.
On-campus accommodation for about 20,000 student and 200 apartments for students with families,
Student Support Services and Student Development Activities
Student support services are provided and managed by the office of Student Affairs. The university aims to provide students with an environment for learning and personal development. The office of Students Affairs acts as a one stop agency for services related to health, accommodation, financial aid, students' general welfare and more, UTM encourages student activities through various clubs and societies. Student activities include leadership development programmes, entrepreneurship, study tours, organising seminars, workshops, forums. debates, sports and community services. The University's Student Support Service Unit offers professional counselling by fully qualified and experienced counsellors who work within a strict code of confidentiality.

There are approximately 50 catering outlets across the campus, including air-conditioned restaurants, cafeterias, fast-food restaurants, sidewalk cafes and open air hawker-style cafes selling variety of food including traditional Malay, Chinese, Indian, Thai. Middle-eastern and Western cuisines. The University also provides transportation services for students to commute from their on- campus residential colleges or off-campus accommodation to classes. For financial services, there are two banks with more than ten ATMs operating in the campus.

For international students. The following support services are provided:
• Visa and immigration assistance
• Student Pass
• Guaranteedon-campusaccommoda+ion for single students
• Preferential accommodation for family apartments
• Airport reception and welcoming programmes
• Orientation programmes
• Study visits to interesting places in the country
• English Language programmes
• Social activities such as family day, picnic outings and tours.

Recognition and Achievements
UTM is pursuing a more dynamic role in R&D and its academic programmes at postgraduate level reflects this. Many centres of excellence in strategic knowledge disciplines have been created and nurtured by UTM to conduct research, postgraduate teaching and consultancy. They also foster greater international research collaboration with faculties and institutes around the world to expand UTM expertise in new areas such as Nanotechnology, Phytochemical, Bioprocess Engineering, Bioinformatics, Biomedical, ICT, Environmental and Advanced Engineering. Some research work are conducted in collaboration with top universities around the world, such as the University of Cambridge, Universite de Nantes, Harvard University, Denmark Technical University,  Cranfield University and Imperial College London.

157 graduates received undergraduate degrees and 1,856 received diplomas at the convocation ceremony held here atUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Skudai on November 27, 2005.

The graduates were from 14 UTM's cooperative program centers from all over Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has collaboration with 26 private colleges with almost 6,843 students Through this cooperative programs
This program started  in 2001 has now graduated more than  10,000 diploma and degree graduates.
1Kolej Lagenda Langkawi57undergraduate degrees
2Institut Teknologi Tinggi Kulim (ITTK)44undergraduate degrees
3Kolej Teknologi Tinggi Antarabangsa Twintech32undergraduate degrees
4Terengganu Advanced Technical Institute (TATI)16undergraduate degrees
5Kolej Yayasan Melaka (KYM)325diploma graduates
6Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi MARA Pasir Mas279diploma graduates
7Kolej Tentera Laut DiRaja Lumut216diploma graduates
8Kolej Negeri165diploma graduates
9Kolej Teknologi Tinggi Antarabangsa Twintech144diploma graduates
10Kolej Yayasan Sabah112diploma graduates
11Kolej Lagenda105diploma graduates
12Institut Teknologi Perindustrian YPJ63diploma graduates
13Institut Kemajuan Iktisas Pahang (IKIP)62diploma graduates
14Institut Teknologi Darul Naim59diploma graduates
15Akademi Infotech MARA35diploma graduates
16Kolej Islam YPJ51diploma graduates
17Institut Kemahiran MARA (IKM) Johor Bahru51diploma graduates
18IKM Jasin34diploma graduates
19Institut Teknologi Perak34diploma graduates
20Kolej Twintech Sarawak31diploma graduates
21Pusat Pembangunan Kemahiran Pahang26diploma graduates
22IKM Kuala Lumpur24diploma graduates
23Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara14diploma graduates
24Kolej Twintech Kuala Lumpur7diploma graduates
25Institut Bina Usahawan (IBU)6diploma graduates
26ITTK1diploma graduates